Crystal & Gemstone Therapy
Crystal Therapy is a form of energy work that with the use of crystals or precious gemstones and their high vibrational and healing frequencies. Whether it's wearing bracelets or other forms of gemstone jewelry or placing crystals in your home to, being treated by a Crystal Therapist who can identify which stones work best to stimulate, cleanse and align our chakras, or 'energy centers' around the body. Our Chakras link the subtle energy fields of our aura with our emotions, glands, organs, physical body parts and subtle and physical circulatory flows.
Certain gemstones are said to help to relieve ailments such as anxiety, depression and insomnia, emotional stress, digestive or neurological disorders and even block EMF waves from polluting our bodies.
A crystal therapy session involves using various crystals and minerals being placed on or around a fully clothed client to induce deep relaxation, release stress and pain, and promote energy balance within the physical and subtle bodies or 'auras'. Crystals absorb, focus, direct and diffuse our energy fields to enable a diseased or out of balance body to find it's natural energetic rhythm once again. This is why wearing certain crystals such as yellow citrine may uplift you, rose quartz may help to ease heartache, and amethyst may calm a busy mind and help you to sleep.