The Spiritual Aspects of Colors
Symbolism/Spiritual Meanings of Colors
Silver: is excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing.
Soul Star Chakra: Translates: "the all-pervading, reaching through, all-covering, diffusive" (Location: About 6" above head) - is the fusion of the spiritual dualism on earth with spiritual oneness. | Universal consciousness | Knowledge of power and self-control. | Spiritual connection to our True Self or Higher Self | Possible causes of energy blockages: Lack of faith, both spiritually and in ourselves, excessive daydreaming, unsettled, directionless, spacey, lacking purpose, obsessed with spirituality and enlightenment. Mental/Emotional Issues: Anxiety, yearning without clarity or the ability to pinpoint a purpose or intention, cynicism, feeling stuck, depression, and generalized mistrust. Physical Dysfunction: Feeling sluggish, ungrounded, feeling disassociated from the earth.
Attributes: Dignity | Self-control | Wisdom | Emotional stability | Responsibility | Organization | Insight | Feminine energy | Cycles | Rebirth | Reincarnation, | Serenity | Purity | Joy
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- uplift and elevate your mind.
- amplify your well-being
- bring order to your life.
- transmute negativity into positivity.
White - purifies and refines the energy system of the body. | White purifies and refines the universe | Oneness with God | Increases spirituality | Aids mental clarity.
Soul Star Chakra: Translates: "the all-pervading, reaching through, all-covering, diffusive" (Location: About 6" above head) - is the fusion of the spiritual dualism on earth with spiritual oneness. | Universal consciousness | Knowledge of power and self-control. | Spiritual connection to our True Self or Higher Self | Possible causes of energy blockages: Lack of faith, both spiritually and in ourselves, excessive daydreaming, unsettled, directionless, spacey, lacking purpose, obsessed with spirituality and enlightenment. Mental/Emotional Issues: Anxiety, yearning without clarity or the ability to pinpoint a purpose or intention, cynicism, feeling stuck, depression, and generalized mistrust. Physical Dysfunction: Feeling sluggish, ungrounded, feeling disassociated from the earth.
Attributes: Reverence | Purity | Simplicity | Cleanliness | Peace | Humility | Precision | Innocence | Youth | Birth | Winter | Air | Truth | Quality | Neutrality | Cleanliness | Good Luck | Healing | Peace
Get out and gaze at the moon and stars more. Pursue ascension and spiritual development.
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- declutter and remove obstacles.
- start a fresh beginning.
- bring about mental clarity.
- purify your thoughts.
Purple - has a purifying and antiseptic effect | Been shown to help balance the mind | Transforms obsessions and fears | Stimulates the spleen | Reduces extreme psychological pressure | Minimizes stress.
Crown Chakra: (Location: At the top center of head) - Awareness of self and the world | Universe and Oneness with your Divine Creator | Knowledge of power and self-control | Spiritual connection | Fulfillment |Grounding | Element: Thought
Possible causes of energy blockages: Lack of trust in the Divine or life, unresolved anger toward the Divine.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Ability to trust life, values, ethics, courage, selflessness, ability to see the larger pattern or picture, faith, inspiration, spirituality, devotion.
Physical Dysfunction: Energetic disorders, depression, chronic exhaustion that is not linked to physical disorders, extreme sensitivity to light/sound/other environmental factors, confusion, apathy, alienation.
Attributes: Royalty | Spirituality | Nobility | Mystery | Transformation | Wisdom | Enlightenment | Wealth | Healing | Virtue
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- use your imagination to its fullest.
- remove obstacles and stress.
- dispel feelings of discord.
- calm overactivity or to energize from depression.
Indigo - stimulates the right brain for creative activity and helps with spatial skills.
Third Eye Chakra: (Location: Between the eyebrows) - is having a higher mind | Having an original thought | Higher intuition | Divine perception | Having the will to see | Element: Light | Possible causes of energy blockages: A lack of trust in one's intuition.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to the ideas of others, ability to learn from experience, emotional intelligence.
Physical Dysfunction: Brain tumor/hemorrhage, stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness, deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, headaches, and blurred vision.
Attributes: Wisdom | Self-mastery | Spiritual realization | Intuition dignity | Integrity | Imagination | Intuition | Knowledge | Spiritual shield | inner vision, inner child.
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- focus on personal issues.
- strengthen your intuition.
- step outside of everyday life for a new and interesting way or viewing a problem.
Blue - slows down human metabolism | Produces a calming effect by slowing down ones heart rate | Strongly associated with tranquility and calmness | Alleviate depression and nervousness | Offers a sense of renewal, self-control, and harmony.
Throat Chakra: (Location: The hollow notch at the front of the base of the neck.) | Element: Sound | Possible causes of energy blockages: Difficulty in expressing oneself, withholding or swallowing words, suppressing creative talents.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Strength of will, personal expression, following one's dream, using personal power to create, choice and capacity to make decisions, addiction, judgement, criticism, faith
Physical Dysfunction: Raspy or sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, TMJ, stiff neck, scoliosis, swollen glands, and thyroid problems.
Attributes: Peace | Tranquility | Calm | Stability | Harmony | Unity | Trust| Truth | Confidence | Conservatism | Security | Cleanliness | Order | Loyalty | The sky | Water | Coolness | Intelligence | Dependability | Spiritual sanctity | Harmony.
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- calm and relax your nerves to counteract chaos.
- open the flow of communication.
- broaden your perspective.
- enjoy solitude and peace.
Turquoise - calms the mind and cools the nervous system | Assists with building immunity | Relaxes the sensation of stress | Promotes communication and self-expression | Stimulates the ability to communicate one's deepest truths.
Throat Chakra: (Location: The hollow notch at the front of the base of the neck.) | Element: Sound | Possible causes of energy blockages: Difficulty in expressing oneself, withholding or swallowing words, suppressing creative talents.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Strength of will, personal expression, following one's dream, using personal power to create, choice and capacity to make decisions, addiction, judgement, criticism, faith
Physical Dysfunction: Raspy or sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, TMJ, stiff neck, scoliosis, swollen glands, and thyroid problems.
Attributes: Love | Healing | Generosity | Emotion | Feeling | Intuition | Individual responsibility | Creativity | Communication | Self-reliance | Tranquility | Serenity | Independence
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- calm and relax your nerves to counteract chaos.
- open the flow of communication.
- broaden your perspective.
- enjoy solitude and peace.
Green - is the most restful color for the human eye and helps to relieve stress. | Improve vision | Keeps sympathetic nervous system active | Controls blood pressure | Stimulates the pituitary gland.
Heart Chakra: (Location: At the center of the chest) - stimulates healing resulting in greater self-love and thus, love for others. | Releases emotionally suppressed trauma | Counters emotional instability due to feelings of sorrow or loss. | Element: Water
Possible causes of energy blockages: Repressed heartache and grief.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Love & hatred, resentment, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, forgiveness, compassion, hope, trust.
Physical Dysfunction: Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart disease, asthma/allergies, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, lung disease, breast cancer, and high blood pressure.
Attributes: Nature | Environment | Healthy | Good luck | Rebirth | Renewal | Youth | Vigor | Spring | Generosity | Fertility | Fruitfulness | Eternal | Hope | Life | Spirit | Harmony | Peace | Strength | Prosperity | Adaptability
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- create a new state of balance.
- feel a need for change or growth.
- have freedom to pursue new ideas.
- protect from fears and anxieties connected with the demands of others.
Pink - is used to lessen irritation and aggression as it is connected with feelings of love.
Heart Chakra: (Location: At the center of the chest) - is emotional love of self and others. | Counter anxiety, self-sabotage. and self-hatred. | Grounds yourself with self-confidence | Fills the void created in your heart | Be able to attract love into your life. | Element: Water
Possible causes of energy blockages: Repressed heartache and grief.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Love & hatred, resentment, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, forgiveness, compassion, hope, trust.
Physical Dysfunction: Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart disease, asthma/allergies, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, lung disease, breast cancer, and high blood pressure.
Attributes: Romance | Love | Friendship | Spring | Gratitude | Appreciation | Admiration | Sympathy | Socialism | Femininity | Health | Joy | Innocence | Tenderness | Youthful | Delicate | Sweet
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- neutralize disorder.
- bring calmness and relaxation.
- feel a sense of acceptance and contentment.
Yellow - Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, generates muscle energy. benefits digestive functions, stimulates the nervous system, activates memory, and encourages communication
Solar Plexus Chakra: (Location: 2" above the navel) - Counters depression by lifting the soul. Promotes personal power and fulfillment | Abundance | Courage | Self-confidence | Life Force Energy | Manifestations | Element: Fire
Possible causes of energy blockages: Stuffed or repressed anger, issues of control especially in areas related to power.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Trust, fear, intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, care of self & others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, and personal honor.
Physical Dysfunction: Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes, chronic or acute indigestion, anorexia or bulimia, liver or adrenal dysfunction, fatigue, and hepatitis.
Attributes: Joy | Happiness | Optimism | Idealism | Intellect | Imagination | Hope | Sunshine | Summer | Philosophy | Fertility | Happiness | Intellect | Energy making.
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- find relief from exhaustion, panic, and nervousness.
- gain sharper memory and concentration skills.
- protect from lethargy and depression during dull
Gold - gives immunity from diseases in general. | Provides relief for cardiac problems | Promotes personal power and fulfillment | Abundance | Courage | Self-confidence | Manifests goals | Counters depression by lifting the soul.
Solar Plexus Chakra: (Location: 2" above the navel) - Counters depression by lifting the soul. Promotes personal power and fulfillment | Abundance | Courage | Self-confidence | Life Force Energy | Manifestations | Element: Fire
Possible causes of energy blockages: Stuffed or repressed anger, issues of control especially in areas related to power.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Trust, fear, intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, care of self & others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, and personal honor.
Physical Dysfunction: Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes, chronic or acute indigestion, anorexia or bulimia, liver or adrenal dysfunction, fatigue, and hepatitis.
Attributes: Prestige | Illumination | Wisdom | Wealth | High quality | Richness | Royalty | Extravagance | Prosperity | Courage | Passion | Sanctity | Preciousness | Vitality.
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- increase personal power.
- relax and enjoy life.
- have good health.
- achieve bountiful success.
Orange - increases oxygen supply to the brain. | Produces an invigorating effect | Stimulates mental activity and appetite | Increase body's resistance against infections.
Sacral Chakra - (Location: 2" below the navel) - Positive use of personal power. | Strengthen the ability to manifest goals | Manage the life's rollercoasters with finesse | Quickly recovering from disappointments, a wounded heart, or pride. | Element: Water | Possible causes of energy blockages: Sexual abuse or trauma, rape, or gender issues
Mental/Emotional Issues: Guilt and blame, money, sex, power & control, creativity, ethics, honor in relationships.
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynecological problems, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, uterine/bladder/kidney problems.
Attributes: Energy | Balance | Warmth | Enthusiasm | Vibrant | Expansive | Flamboyant | Fascination | Happiness | Creativity | Determination | Attraction | Success | Encouragement | Stimulation
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- spice things up in your life.
- become more involved in something.
- increase creativity.
- remove yourself from things becoming too emotionally damaging.
- gain clarity for a decision.
Red: is an emotionally intense color that enhances human metabolism and exhibits the qualities of physical energy and vitality. | Increases respiration rate | Raises blood pressure | Stimulates neurons, adrenal glands, and the nervous system. | Ground spirit forces in the body | Brings passion and strength to your relationships, your life, and your work.
Root Chakra: (Location: At the perineum, between genitals and the anus, base of spine) | Element: Earth | Possible causes of energy blockages: Fear of being alive or guilt
Mental/Emotional Issues: Physical family/group safety & security, ability to provide for life's necessities, or ability to stand up for self
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune-related disorders, weight problems.
Attributes: Vitality | Life | Excitement | Energy | Passion | Desire | Sexuality | Sacrifice | Strength | Power | Leadership | Love | Aggression | Fire | Bravery | Action | Determination | Revolution | Good Luck | Fortune | Radiance | Celebration of Life | Wealth
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- increase enthusiasm and interest.
- boost energy.
- be about that action and build confidence.
- block out fears.
Gray - Time for reflection, rest, retreat, and a pivot in a new direction. | Enhances patience and perseverance | Excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing | Works on the mind to see an overview | Emotional balance | Suppresses hunger and balances metabolism
Root Chakra: (Location: At the perineum, between genitals and the anus, base of spine) | Element: Earth | Possible causes of energy blockages: Fear of being alive or guilt
Mental/Emotional Issues: Physical family/group safety & security, ability to provide for life's necessities, or ability to stand up for self
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune-related disorders, weight problems.
Attributes: Security | Reliability | Intelligence | Modesty | Dignity | Maturity | Conservative | Practical
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- emphasize your willingness to comply.
- come to a neutral, non-invasive feeling.
- reduce the intense energy of another color.
- feel detached or isolated.
Black - is letting go of the things that no longer serve your highest good in this lifetime, so your mind, body, and spirit can be at harmony. | Celebrate, own, accept, and protect who and all that you are, here our Motherly Earth. | Honor your attributes | Value your presence | Gives the feeling of perspective and depth | Provides a restful emptiness | Potential | Possibility.
Root Chakra: (Location: At the perineum, between genitals and the anus, base of spine) | Element: Earth | Possible causes of energy blockages: Fear of being alive or guilt
Mental/Emotional Issues: Physical family/group safety & security, ability to provide for life's necessities, or ability to stand up for self
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune-related disorders, weight problems.
Attributes: Power | Sexuality | Sophistication | Formality | Elegance | Wealth | Mystery | Anonymity | Depth | Style | Assertiveness | Spiritual maturity | Unity
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- become inconspicuous.
- open the door to mystery.
- prepare for the unknown.
- reduce restful emptiness.
Brown - evokes the feeling of wholesomeness. | Connection with the earth | Offers a sense of orderliness.
Earth Star Chakra: Translates: "daughter of the earth" (Location: 6"-12" below feet) - Get out and connect with nature more. Walk barefoot in the grass or sand, hug or sit next to a tree, dance in the rain or take a swim.
Attributes: Earthy | Hearth | Natural | Organic | Reliability | Comfort | Endurance | Stability | Simplicity | Harmony | Grounding | Comfort
Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...
- feel wholesome.
- blend in any environment.
- connect to Mother Earth and the stability this brings.