The Spiritual Aspects of Colors

Symbolism/Spiritual Meanings of Colors


Silver: is excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing. 

Soul Star Chakra: Translates: "the all-pervading, reaching through, all-covering, diffusive" (Location: About 6" above head) - is the fusion of the spiritual dualism on earth with spiritual oneness. | Universal consciousness | Knowledge of power and self-control. | Spiritual connection to our True Self or Higher Self | Possible causes of energy blockages: Lack of faith, both spiritually and in ourselves, excessive daydreaming, unsettled, directionless, spacey, lacking purpose, obsessed with spirituality and enlightenment. Mental/Emotional Issues: Anxiety, yearning without clarity or the ability to pinpoint a purpose or intention, cynicism, feeling stuck, depression, and generalized mistrust. Physical Dysfunction: Feeling sluggish, ungrounded, feeling disassociated from the earth.

Attributes: Dignity | Self-control | Wisdom | Emotional stability | Responsibility | Organization | Insight | Feminine energy | Cycles | Rebirth | Reincarnation, | Serenity | Purity | Joy

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • uplift and elevate your mind.
  • amplify your well-being
  • bring order to your life.
  • transmute negativity into positivity.


White - purifies and refines the energy system of the body. | White purifies and refines the universe | Oneness with God | Increases spirituality | Aids mental clarity.

Soul Star Chakra: Translates: "the all-pervading, reaching through, all-covering, diffusive" (Location: About 6" above head) - is the fusion of the spiritual dualism on earth with spiritual oneness. | Universal consciousness | Knowledge of power and self-control. | Spiritual connection to our True Self or Higher Self | Possible causes of energy blockages: Lack of faith, both spiritually and in ourselves, excessive daydreaming, unsettled, directionless, spacey, lacking purpose, obsessed with spirituality and enlightenment. Mental/Emotional Issues: Anxiety, yearning without clarity or the ability to pinpoint a purpose or intention, cynicism, feeling stuck, depression, and generalized mistrust. Physical Dysfunction: Feeling sluggish, ungrounded, feeling disassociated from the earth.

Attributes: Reverence | Purity | Simplicity | Cleanliness | Peace | Humility | Precision | Innocence | Youth | Birth | Winter | Air | Truth | Quality | Neutrality | Cleanliness | Good Luck | Healing | Peace

Get out and gaze at the moon and stars more. Pursue ascension and spiritual development.

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • declutter and remove obstacles.
  • start a fresh beginning.
  • bring about mental clarity.
  • purify your thoughts.


Purple - has a purifying and antiseptic effect | Been shown to help balance the mind | Transforms obsessions and fears | Stimulates the spleen | Reduces extreme psychological pressure | Minimizes stress.

Crown Chakra: (Location: At the top center of head) - Awareness of self and the world | Universe and Oneness with your Divine Creator | Knowledge of power and self-control | Spiritual connection | Fulfillment |Grounding | Element: Thought
Possible causes of energy blockages: Lack of trust in the Divine or life, unresolved anger toward the Divine.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Ability to trust life, values, ethics, courage, selflessness, ability to see the larger pattern or picture, faith, inspiration, spirituality, devotion.
Physical Dysfunction: Energetic disorders, depression, chronic exhaustion that is not linked to physical disorders, extreme sensitivity to light/sound/other environmental factors, confusion, apathy, alienation.

Attributes: Royalty | Spirituality | Nobility | Mystery | Transformation | Wisdom | Enlightenment | Wealth | Healing | Virtue

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • use your imagination to its fullest.
  • remove obstacles and stress.
  • dispel feelings of discord.
  • calm overactivity or to energize from depression.


Indigostimulates the right brain for creative activity and helps with spatial skills.

Third Eye Chakra: (Location: Between the eyebrows) - is having a higher mind | Having an original thought | Higher intuition | Divine perception | Having the will to see | Element: Light | Possible causes of energy blockages: A lack of trust in one's intuition.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to the ideas of others, ability to learn from experience, emotional intelligence.
Physical Dysfunction: Brain tumor/hemorrhage, stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness, deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, headaches, and blurred vision.

Attributes: Wisdom | Self-mastery | Spiritual realization | Intuition dignity | Integrity | Imagination | Intuition | Knowledge | Spiritual shield |  inner vision, inner child.

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • focus on personal issues.
  • strengthen your intuition.
  • step outside of everyday life for a new and interesting way or viewing a problem.


Blue - slows down human metabolism | Produces a calming effect by slowing down ones heart rate | Strongly associated with tranquility and calmness | Alleviate depression and nervousness | Offers a sense of renewal, self-control, and harmony.

Throat Chakra: (Location: The hollow notch at the front of the base of the neck.) | Element: Sound | Possible causes of energy blockages: Difficulty in expressing oneself, withholding or swallowing words, suppressing creative talents.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Strength of will, personal expression, following one's dream, using personal power to create, choice and capacity to make decisions, addiction, judgement, criticism, faith
Physical Dysfunction: Raspy or sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, TMJ, stiff neck, scoliosis, swollen glands, and thyroid problems.

Attributes: Peace | Tranquility | Calm | Stability | Harmony | Unity | Trust| Truth | Confidence | Conservatism | Security | Cleanliness | Order | Loyalty | The sky | Water | Coolness | Intelligence | Dependability | Spiritual sanctity | Harmony.

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • calm and relax your nerves to counteract chaos.
  • open the flow of communication.
  • broaden your perspective.
  • enjoy solitude and peace.


Turquoise calms the mind and cools the nervous system | Assists with building immunity | Relaxes the sensation of stress | Promotes communication and self-expression | Stimulates the ability to communicate one's deepest truths.

Throat Chakra: (Location: The hollow notch at the front of the base of the neck.) | Element: Sound | Possible causes of energy blockages: Difficulty in expressing oneself, withholding or swallowing words, suppressing creative talents.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Strength of will, personal expression, following one's dream, using personal power to create, choice and capacity to make decisions, addiction, judgement, criticism, faith
Physical Dysfunction: Raspy or sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, TMJ, stiff neck, scoliosis, swollen glands, and thyroid problems.

Attributes: Love | Healing | Generosity | Emotion | Feeling | Intuition | Individual responsibility | Creativity |  Communication | Self-reliance | Tranquility | Serenity | Independence

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • calm and relax your nerves to counteract chaos.
  • open the flow of communication.
  • broaden your perspective.
  • enjoy solitude and peace.


Greenis the most restful color for the human eye and helps to relieve stress. | Improve vision | Keeps sympathetic nervous system active | Controls blood pressure | Stimulates the pituitary gland.

Heart Chakra: (Location: At the center of the chest) - stimulates healing resulting in greater self-love and thus, love for others. | Releases emotionally suppressed trauma | Counters emotional instability due to feelings of sorrow or loss. | Element: Water
Possible causes of energy blockages: Repressed heartache and grief.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Love & hatred, resentment, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, forgiveness, compassion, hope, trust.
Physical Dysfunction: Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart disease, asthma/allergies, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, lung disease, breast cancer, and high blood pressure.

Attributes: Nature | Environment | Healthy | Good luck | Rebirth | Renewal | Youth | Vigor | Spring | Generosity | Fertility | Fruitfulness | Eternal | Hope | Life | Spirit | Harmony | Peace | Strength | Prosperity | Adaptability

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • create a new state of balance.
  • feel a need for change or growth.
  • have freedom to pursue new ideas.
  • protect from fears and anxieties connected with the demands of others.


Pink - is used to lessen irritation and aggression as it is connected with feelings of love.

Heart Chakra: (Location: At the center of the chest) - is emotional love of self and others. | Counter anxiety, self-sabotage. and self-hatred. | Grounds yourself with self-confidence | Fills the void created in your heart | Be able to attract love into your life. | Element: Water
Possible causes of energy blockages: Repressed heartache and grief.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Love & hatred, resentment, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, forgiveness, compassion, hope, trust.
Physical Dysfunction: Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart disease, asthma/allergies, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, lung disease, breast cancer, and high blood pressure.

Attributes: Romance | Love | Friendship | Spring | Gratitude | Appreciation | Admiration | Sympathy | Socialism | Femininity | Health | Joy | Innocence | Tenderness | Youthful | Delicate | Sweet

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • neutralize disorder.
  • bring calmness and relaxation.
  • feel a sense of acceptance and contentment.


Yellow - Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, generates muscle energy. benefits digestive functions, stimulates the nervous system, activates memory, and encourages communication

Solar Plexus Chakra: (Location: 2" above the navel) - Counters depression by lifting the soul. Promotes personal power and fulfillment | Abundance | Courage | Self-confidence | Life Force Energy | Manifestations | Element: Fire 
Possible causes of energy blockages: Stuffed or repressed anger, issues of control especially in areas related to power.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Trust, fear, intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, care of self & others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, and personal honor.
Physical Dysfunction: Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes, chronic or acute indigestion, anorexia or bulimia, liver or adrenal dysfunction, fatigue, and hepatitis.

Attributes: Joy | Happiness | Optimism | Idealism | Intellect | Imagination | Hope | Sunshine | Summer | Philosophy | Fertility | Happiness | Intellect | Energy    making.

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to... 

  • find relief from exhaustion, panic, and nervousness.
  • gain sharper memory and concentration skills.
  • protect from lethargy and depression during dull


Gold - gives immunity from diseases in general. | Provides relief for cardiac problems | Promotes personal power and fulfillment | Abundance | Courage | Self-confidence | Manifests goals | Counters depression by lifting the soul.

Solar Plexus Chakra: (Location: 2" above the navel) - Counters depression by lifting the soul. Promotes personal power and fulfillment | Abundance | Courage | Self-confidence | Life Force Energy | Manifestations | Element: Fire 
Possible causes of energy blockages: Stuffed or repressed anger, issues of control especially in areas related to power.
Mental/Emotional Issues: Trust, fear, intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, care of self & others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, and personal honor.
Physical Dysfunction: Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes, chronic or acute indigestion, anorexia or bulimia, liver or adrenal dysfunction, fatigue, and hepatitis.

Attributes: Prestige | Illumination | Wisdom | Wealth | High quality | Richness | Royalty | Extravagance | Prosperity | Courage | Passion | Sanctity | Preciousness | Vitality.

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to... 

  • increase personal power.
  • relax and enjoy life.
  • have good health.
  • achieve bountiful success.


Orange - increases oxygen supply to the brain. | Produces an invigorating effect | Stimulates mental activity and appetite | Increase body's resistance against infections.

Sacral Chakra - (Location: 2" below the navel) - Positive use of personal power. | Strengthen the ability to manifest goals | Manage the life's rollercoasters with finesse | Quickly recovering from disappointments, a wounded heart, or pride. | Element: Water | Possible causes of energy blockages: Sexual abuse or trauma, rape, or gender issues
Mental/Emotional Issues: Guilt and blame, money, sex, power & control, creativity, ethics, honor in relationships.
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynecological problems, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, uterine/bladder/kidney problems.

Attributes: Energy | Balance | Warmth | Enthusiasm | Vibrant | Expansive | Flamboyant | Fascination | Happiness | Creativity | Determination | Attraction | Success | Encouragement | Stimulation

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • spice things up in your life.
  • become more involved in something.
  • increase creativity.
  • remove yourself from things becoming too emotionally damaging.
  • gain clarity for a decision.


Red: is an emotionally intense color that enhances human metabolism and exhibits the qualities of physical energy and vitality. | Increases respiration rate | Raises blood pressure | Stimulates neurons, adrenal glands, and the nervous system. | Ground spirit forces in the body | Brings passion and strength to your relationships, your life, and your work.

Root Chakra: (Location: At the perineum, between genitals and the anus, base of spine) | Element: Earth | Possible causes of energy blockages: Fear of being alive or guilt
Mental/Emotional Issues: Physical family/group safety & security, ability to provide for life's necessities, or ability to stand up for self
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune-related disorders, weight problems.

Attributes: Vitality | Life | Excitement | Energy | Passion | Desire | Sexuality | Sacrifice | Strength | Power | Leadership | Love | Aggression | Fire | Bravery | Action | Determination | Revolution | Good Luck | Fortune | Radiance | Celebration of Life | Wealth

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • increase enthusiasm and interest.
  • boost energy.
  • be about that action and build confidence.
  • block out fears.


Gray - Time for reflection, rest, retreat, and a pivot in a new direction. | Enhances patience and perseverance | Excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing | Works on the mind to see an overview | Emotional balance | Suppresses hunger and balances metabolism

Root Chakra: (Location: At the perineum, between genitals and the anus, base of spine) | Element: Earth | Possible causes of energy blockages: Fear of being alive or guilt
Mental/Emotional Issues: Physical family/group safety & security, ability to provide for life's necessities, or ability to stand up for self
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune-related disorders, weight problems.

Attributes: Security | Reliability | Intelligence | Modesty | Dignity |  Maturity | Conservative | Practical

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • emphasize your willingness to comply.
  • come to a neutral, non-invasive feeling.
  • reduce the intense energy of another color.
  • feel detached or isolated.


Black is letting go of the things that no longer serve your highest good in this lifetime, so your mind, body, and spirit can be at harmony. | Celebrate, own, accept, and protect who and all that you are, here our Motherly Earth. | Honor your attributes | Value your presence | Gives the feeling of perspective and depth | Provides a restful emptiness | Potential | Possibility.

Root Chakra: (Location: At the perineum, between genitals and the anus, base of spine) | Element: Earth | Possible causes of energy blockages: Fear of being alive or guilt
Mental/Emotional Issues: Physical family/group safety & security, ability to provide for life's necessities, or ability to stand up for self
Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune-related disorders, weight problems.

Attributes: Power | Sexuality | Sophistication | Formality | Elegance | Wealth | Mystery | Anonymity | Depth |  Style |  Assertiveness | Spiritual maturity | Unity

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • become inconspicuous.
  • open the door to mystery.
  • prepare for the unknown.
  • reduce restful emptiness.


Brown - evokes the feeling of wholesomeness. | Connection with the earth | Offers a sense of orderliness.

Earth Star Chakra: Translates: "daughter of the earth" (Location: 6"-12" below feet) - Get out and connect with nature more. Walk barefoot in the grass or sand, hug or sit next to a tree, dance in the rain or take a swim.

Attributes: Earthy | Hearth | Natural | Organic | Reliability | Comfort | Endurance | Stability | Simplicity | Harmony | Grounding | Comfort

Surround/Embody yourself with this color to...

  • feel wholesome.
  • blend in any environment.
  • connect to Mother Earth and the stability this brings.